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Satellite on Kubernetes



  • Kubernetes version >= v1.18.0
  • Helm v3 installed and working.
  • The Kubernetes cluster API endpoint should be reachable from the machine you are running Helm.
  • kubectl access to the cluster, with cluster-admin permissions.
  • At least 4 CPUs
  • At least 8 GB RAM

1. Setup environment variables

export LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY=<'Authorization Key'>

2. Add levoai Helm repo

helm repo add levoai && helm repo update levoai

3. Create levoai namespace & install Satellite

If locating Satellite on the same cluster alongside Sensor

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

Depending on the region you are installing in, you may need to set a different Levo base URL for the satellite.

For example, if the satellite will be used with, the installation command will be:

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.url="" \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

If locating Satellite on a dedicated cluster

You will need to expose the Satellite via either a LoadBalancer or NodePort, such that is is reachable by Sensors running in other clusters. Please modify the below command appropriately.

# Please modify this command template and choose either 'LoadBalancer' or 'NodePort', prior to execution
helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
--set haproxy.service.type=<LoadBalancer | NodePort> \
# --set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.url="" \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite


If rabbitmq persistence needs to be disabled

You will need to set rabbitmq.persistence.enabled property to false.

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
--set rabbitmq.persistence.enabled=false \
# --set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.url="" \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite
Add Tolerations, Affinity and Node Selectors

Tolerations, Affinity and Node Selectors for the Satellite pods may be specified via helm values. For example:

- key:
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
- key: "devops"
operator: "Equal"
value: "dedicated"
effect: "NoSchedule"
nodeSelector:s "mavros"
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- antarctica-east1
- antarctica-west1
- weight: 1
- key: another-node-label-key
operator: In
- another-node-label-value

4. Verify connectivity with

a. Check Satellite health

The Satellite is comprised of five sub components 1) levoai-collector, 2) levoai-ion, 3) levoai-rabbitmq, 4)levoai-satellite, and 5) levoai-tagger.

Wait a couple of minutes after the installation, and check the health of the components by executing the following:

kubectl -n levoai get pods

If the Satellite is healthy, you should see output similar to below.

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
levoai-collector-5b54df8dd6-55hq9 1/1 Running 0 5m0s
levoai-ion-669c9c4fbc-vsmmr 1/1 Running 0 5m0s
levoai-rabbitmq-0 1/1 Running 0 5m0s
levoai-satellite-8688b67c65-xppbn 1/1 Running 0 5m0s
levoai-tagger-7bbf565b47-b572w 1/1 Running 0 5m0s

b. Check connectivity

Execute the following to check for connectivity health:

# Please specify the actual pod name for levoai-tagger below
kubectl -n levoai logs <levoai-tagger pod name> | grep "Ready to process; waiting for messages."

If connectivity is healthy, you will see output similar to below.

{"level": "info", "time": "2022-06-07 08:07:22,439", "line": "", "version": "fc628b50354bf94e544eef46751d44945a2c55bc", "module": "/opt/levoai/e7s/src/python/levoai_e7s/satellite/", "message": "Ready to process; waiting for messages."}

Please contact if you notice health/connectivity related errors.

5. Note down Host:Port information

If locating Satellite on the same cluster alongside Sensor

The Collector can now be reached by the Sensors running in the same cluster at levoai-collector.levoai:4317. Please note this, as it will be required to configure the Sensor.

If locating Satellite on a dedicated cluster

Run the below command and note the external address/port of the the Collector service. This will be required to configure the Sensor.

kubectl get service levoai-collector -n levoai

6. Optionally, enable authentication for satellite APIs.

Add below config to values.yml file to enable authentication for satellite APIs using a unique key. Refer to Accessing Organization IDs for fetching the Organization ID.

org-id: <your-org-id>
satelliteAuthnEnabled: false

Install satellite using this values.yml.

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
-f ./values.yml \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

Otherwise, you can pass the org-id and authnEnabled as arguments to the helm command.

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
--set<your-org-id> \
--set haproxy.authnEnabled=true \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

7. Optionally, access Satellite through a CNAME and HTTPS

Add below config to values.yml file to add an ingress route for Satellite APIs so that it can be accessed through a CNAME and HTTPS.

enabled: true
hostname: <Your CNAME>
ingressClassName: haproxy
pathType: Prefix
- path: /*
pathType: Prefix
name: levoai-haproxy
number: 80

Please reach out to if you're using a custom ingress controller.

Please proceed to install Traffic Capture Sensors.

Satellite Lifecycle Management

Upgrade Satellite

# Setup environment variables
export LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY=<'Authorization Key' from the original installation>

# Update helm repo and upgrade installation
helm repo update levoai

helm upgrade -n levoai \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

Uninstall Satellite

helm uninstall levoai-satellite -n levoai

After running the above command, wait until all Satellite pods have been terminated, and then run the following command to delete the rabbitmq PersistentVolumeClaim. Deleting the PVC also deletes the corresponding PersistentVolume.

kubectl delete pvc data-levoai-rabbitmq-0 -n levoai

In case the kubectl delete pvc command gets stuck, run the following command before deleting the PVC again:

kubectl patch pvc data-levoai-rabbitmq-0 -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' -n levoai

Change the Authorization Key used to communicate with

  • Uninstall the Satellite.
  • Reinstall the Satellite with the new Authorization Key.

Change the minimum number of URLs that the satellite needs to observe to detect an API endpoint.

To detect an API endpoint, Satellite waits for at least '10' URLs to match that endpoint URL pattern. This number may cause delays in detecting API endpoints when there is not enough load.

If you want to change this number to suit your environment:

  • Navigate to Levo's dashboard.
  • Click settings from the left navigation bar.
  • Under the API Discovery tab, update Min. URLs per Pattern to the desired number and wait for at least 5 mins for satellite to pick up the change.

List Satellite's pods

kubectl -n levoai get pods | grep -E '^levoai-collector|^levoai-rabbitmq|^levoai-satellite|^levoai-tagger'

Tail logs of a specific pod

kubectl -n levoai logs -f <pod name>


Tagger Errors

The Tagger component sends API endpoint metadata information to API Observability will not function if the Tagger is in an errored state.

Please see sample output below from kubectl get pods, that shows the Tagger in an errored state.

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
levoai-collector-848fb4fff9-gv8g9 1/1 Running 0 64s
levoai-rabbitmq-0 0/1 Running 0 64s
levoai-satellite-54956ccb89-5s4h2 1/1 Running 0 64s
levoai-tagger-799db4d9cc-89jm8 0/1 Error 1 (14s ago) 64s

Below are common error scenarios:

Authentication Errors

The Tagger component authenticates with using the Authorization Key. If Tagger is unable to authenticate, it will error out.

Check for authentication errors in the Tagger logs:

kubectl -n levoai logs <levoai-tagger-pod-id> | grep "Exception: Failed to refresh access token"

If there are exception messages, you have an incorrect or stale Authorization Key. Please contact Support for further assistance.

Connectivity Errors

Check for connectivity errors in the Tagger logs:

kubectl -n levoai logs <levoai-tagger-pod-id> | grep "ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused"

If there are exception messages, Tagger is unable to connect to dependent services. It generally establishes connection after 3/4 retries. Please contact for further assistance.

Enable Debug Logging

Add the following helm option to enable debug logging for the Satellite components.

helm upgrade --install -n levoai --create-namespace \
--set global.levoai_config_override.onprem-api.refresh-token=$LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY \
--set global.levoai.log_level="DEBUG" \
levoai-satellite levoai/levoai-satellite

This will enable detailed debugging logs for all satellite components, including Tagger, Collector, Ion, and Satellite.

Some various log levels that can be set are INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR. The default log level is INFO.

Share Satellite logs with Levo Support


script and execute following commands to collect logs from all Satellite components. This will create an archive as /tmp/levoai_satellite_logs_%date-time%.tar.gz.

chmod +x

Need Help?

For further assistance, please reach out to Support.