Levo CLI Command Reference
Show help message for the CLI,
levo --help
Show the current version of the CLI.
levo --version
levo login [options] <arguments>
Authenticate the CLI with Levo's SaaS portal.
OPTIONAL Accept all of the Python's log
INFO, DEBUG, and NOTSET (all case
-k, --key TEXT Specify an authorization key to login with.
Go to https://app.dev.levo.ai/settings/keys
to get your authorization key.
-o, --organization TEXT OPTIONAL Specify the id of the organization
you want to work with.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
The login command might ask you for a CLI Authorization Key
, that is used to authenticate the CLI with Levo.ai. This key can be retrieved from User Profile-->User Settings-->Keys.
You will need an account on Levo.ai to retrieve the key.
The login command stores authentication tokens in the $HOME/.config/configstore/levo.json
file (on the Docker host). This file is only accessible by the user who owns the $HOME directory. Treat this file as do with any secrets.
levo logout [options]
Removes the local login config file.
OPTIONAL Accept all of the Python's log
INFO, DEBUG, and NOTSET (all case
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
The logout command removes the $HOME/.config/configstore/levo.json
file (on the Docker Host). This file contains authentication tokens, and other local state persisted by the CLI.
levo test-conformance [options] <arguments>
Perform schema conformance tests against API endpoints specified in the target-url.
--schema TEXT --schema must specify a valid URL or file
path (accessible from the CLI container)
that points to an Open API / Swagger
specification. [required]
--target-url TEXT --target-url must specify a valid URL
pointing to a live host that implements the
endpoints specified by --schema. [required]
--disable-reporting-to-saas Do not send test reports to Levo's SaaS
-H, --header TEXT Custom header that will be used in all
requests to the target server. Example: -H
"Authorization: Bearer 123" .
--show-errors-tracebacks Show full tracebacks for internal errors.
--ignore-ssl-verify TEXT Controls whether the test run verifies the
server's SSL certificate.
OPTIONAL Accept all of the Python's log
INFO, DEBUG, and NOTSET (all case
--export-junit-xml FILENAME Export test results as JUnit XML
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Levo CLI runs as a Docker container and by default mounts the current working directory on the host file system as read/write. If specifying a schema file as an argument, please provide a path that is accessible by the CLI container.
Do not use
as arguments of the--target-url
, as these will not resolve correctly within the CLI container. Please usehost.docker.internal
Usage Examples
levo test-conformance --target-url http://host.docker.internal:9000/ --schema ./malschema.json
levo test-conformance --target-url http://host.docker.internal:9000/ --schema http://host.docker.internal:9000/api/openapi.json
levo test [options] <arguments>
Execute a test plan against the specified target-url.
--target-url TEXT --target-url must specify a valid URL
pointing to a live host that implements the
endpoints that are present in the test plan.
--disable-reporting-to-saas Do not send test reports to Levo's SaaS
--test-plan TEXT --test-plan must specify a valid Levo
Resource Name (LRN) or a path to a Levo Test
Plan folder (accessible from the CLI
container). [required]
-H, --header TEXT Custom header that will be used in all
requests to the target server. Example: -H
"Authorization: Bearer 123" .
--show-errors-tracebacks Show full tracebacks for internal errors.
--env-file TEXT Path to YAML file with environment
definitions (AuthN/AuthZ info, etc.). This
file must be accessible from the CLI
--ignore-ssl-verify TEXT Controls whether the test run verifies the
server's SSL certificate.
-d, --suite-execution-delay INTEGER
Adds a delay between test suite execution
--request-timeout INTEGER Timeout for the http request made to the API
--export-junit-xml FILENAME Export test results as JUnit XML
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Levo CLI runs as a Docker container and by default mounts the current working directory on the host file system as read/write. If specifying a
Test Plan
folder as an argument, please provide a path that is accessible by the CLI container.
Do not use
as arguments of the--target-url
, as these will not resolve correctly within the CLI container. Please usehost.docker.internal
Authentication credentials and user role information might be required by some
Test Plans
for proper execution. This is to be provided using the--env-file
option. Please refer to details on Authentication/Authorization.
Usage Examples
Using a local test plan folder
levo test --target-url host.docker.internal:8888 --test-plan ./my-test-plan-folder --env-file ./environment.yml
using a LRN (Levo Resource Name) for a test plan located in Levo SaaS
levo test --target-url host.docker.internal:8888 --test-plan demo:app/Demo_crAPI:tp/Demo_crAPI --env-file ./environment.yml
Here demo:app/Demo_crAPI:tp/Demo_crAPI
is the LRN for a test plan located in Levo SaaS.
Test Plan management sub commands.
This is an alias of the levo test
levo test-plan run [options] <arguments>
Run a test plan against the specified target-url.
--target-url TEXT --target-url must specify a valid URL
pointing to a live host that implements the
endpoints that are present in the test plan.
--disable-reporting-to-saas Do not send test reports to Levo's SaaS
--test-plan TEXT --test-plan must specify a valid Levo
Resource Name (LRN) or a path to a Levo Test
Plan folder (accessible from the CLI
container). [required]
-H, --header TEXT Custom header that will be used in all
requests to the target server. Example: -H
"Authorization: Bearer 123" .
--show-errors-tracebacks Show full tracebacks for internal errors.
--env-file TEXT Path to YAML file with environment
definitions (AuthN/AuthZ info, etc.). This
file must be accessible from the CLI
--ignore-ssl-verify TEXT Controls whether the test run verifies the
server's SSL certificate.
-d, --suite-execution-delay INTEGER
Adds a delay between test suite execution
--request-timeout INTEGER Timeout for the http request made to the API
--export-junit-xml FILENAME Export test results as JUnit XML
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
This command is a functional equivalent of the
levo test
command. Please see constraints and examples outlined for that command.
The environment file is used to specify authentication credentials, and optional role(s) information (for authorization tests). Please refer to Authentication/Authorization.
levo test-plan export-env [OPTIONS] <arguments>
Export the environment file of a test plan from Levo SaaS to the local file system.
--lrn TEXT The LRN of the test plan, whose environment
file you want to export. [required]
--local-dir TEXT Path to a local directory where the
environment file is to be exported. The
local directory must be accessible from the
CLI container. If not specified, the test
plan is exported to the current working
Accept all of the Python's log level values:
NOTSET (all case insensitive).
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Levo CLI runs as a Docker container and by default mounts the current working directory on the host file system as read/write.
Usage Examples
levo test-plan export-env --lrn "acme-gizmo-org:ws/buchi:app/Demo_crAPI:tp/Demo_crAPI" --local-dir ./
Additional Notes
Usage with a proxy
Option 1: Copy proxy CA certificate
The CLI container does not have access to the host's CA certificates. If you are using a proxy with a self-signed certificate, you can copy the CA certificate to $HOME/.config/configstore/ca-cert.pem
on the host. This directory is mounted as a volume in the CLI container in the alias. The CLI will read this file if it exists and load it into the container's CA certificate store.
Option 2: Use the --ignore-ssl-verify
You can use the --ignore-ssl-verify
flag with the levo
command to disable SSL verification for all requests made by the CLI, for example:
levo --ignore-ssl-verify test --target-url https://crapi.levo.ai --app-lrn your-app
The usage of this option is discouraged unless absolutely necessary.
Adding the --ignore-ssl-verify
flag after the test
subcommand, e.g. levo test --ignore-ssl-verify
, will cause SSL verification to be ignored only for the requests sent to the target server.