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Quickstart with Minikube

Run the following command to find out which driver your minikube installation is using:

minikube profile list
| Profile | VM Driver | Runtime | IP | Port | Version | Status | Nodes | Active |
| minikube | docker | docker | | 8443 | v1.27.3 | Running | 1 | * |

The second column in the output, VM Driver, should list the minikube driver of your existing minikube profile.

If you want to test the eBPF Sensor in minikube, we recommend using minikube with a VM driver (e.g. kvm2 or virtualbox). Or if you are already using a VM, you may run minikube on bare metal (with the "none" driver).

You can find the full list of minikube drivers in the minikube docs.

Based on your minikube driver, follow the instructions below:

Bare-metal or VM-based driver

Follow the standard Kubernetes installation instructions.

Docker driver

Since the eBPF Sensor needs access to the /proc folder on the host, there are additional steps to ensure that the directory is mounted correctly inside the Sensor container for running it in minikube with the Docker driver.

First, run:

minikube mount /proc:/ggproc

Then, in a new terminal window, run:

helm repo add levoai && helm repo update
helm pull levoai/levoai-ebpf-sensor --untar
cd levoai-ebpf-sensor/
sed -i "s/path: \/proc/path: \/ggproc/" templates/deployment.yaml
helm upgrade --install levoai-sensor . -n levoai