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Install Code Analysis Tools


  • Docker is installed on your machine.
  • Ensure that you are able to launch and use Docker containers, and network connectivity works.
  • is reachable from the host machine

Instructions to setup code-scanning

Scan Code and identify REST API Endpoints

  • Login to Levo CLI
    levo login
  • Enter the CLI authorization key and select the organization.
  • Once logged in, go to the project directory where you want to run code-scanning
    cd <your_project_directory>
  • Inside the project directory, run the below CLI command
    levo scan code \
    --dir <relative path to directory you wish to scan> \
    --app-name <name of the app you wish to see on Dashboard> \
    --env-name <the environment to which your app should belong> \
    --language <programmming language used in repository, default is java>
  • In the --dir option, you can specify the relative subdirectory path (./path/to/sub-directory) if you want to scan only a part of the project, or simply DOT (.) for the current directory.
  • Use the --help option to know the list of available options
  • If there are REST endpoints in the code, they will be imported to the Levo Dashboard, under the given app-name.

Scan project directory to fetch and import OpenAPI/Swagger specs

  • Login to Levo CLI
    levo login
  • Enter the CLI authorization key and select the organization.
  • Once logged in, go to the project directory where you want to scan for openAPI specs.
    cd <your_project_directory>
  • Inside the project directory, run the below CLI command
    levo scan schema \
    --dir <relative path to directory you want to scan> \
    --env-name <the environment to which your app should belong>
  • In the --dir option, you can specify the relative subdirectory path (./path/to/sub-directory) if you want to scan only a part of the project, or simply DOT (.) for the current directory.
  • Use the --help option to know the list of available options
  • If there are OpenAPI/Swagger specs in the project directory, they will be imported to Levo Dashboard.
  • The App Name will be the same as the title of the OpenAPI/Swagger spec.

Github Action


  • An account on
  • An application code repository on GitHub (Currently Java and Python is supported)

Action Configuration

The pre-built action for executing Scan Code requires the following configuration settings:

  • authorization-key : Specify your CLI authorization key here. Refer to Generating CLI Authorization Keys for instructions on fetching your key

  • organization-id : Specify your Organization ID here. Refer to Accessing Organization IDs for instructions on fetching your ID

  • saas-url : The URL of the Levo SaaS instance. Default value is For India, use

  • app-name : The name of the application you want to see on the Levo Dashboard

  • env-name : This is an OPTIONAL setting. The environment to which your app should belong. Default value is staging.

Here is a sample Scan Code Action with its configuration:

- name: Levo Scan Repo
uses: levoai/actions/scan@v2.3.0
# Authorization key required to execute the Levo CLI. Please refer to to get your authorization key.
authorization-key: <'Specify your CLI authorization key here'>

# The ID of your organization in Levo dashboard. Please refer to to get your organization id.
organization-id: <'Specify your organization ID here'>

# [OPTIONAL] The environment to which your app should belong. Default: staging.
saas-url: ""

# The name of the application you want to see on the Levo Dashboard.
app-name: <'Application Name here'>

# [OPTIONAL] The environment to which your app should belong. Default: staging.
env-name: <'Environment Name here'>

Job Outputs

This pre-built Action produces the below Outputs, which can be referenced by downstream Actions/Jobs.

scan-success: <'true/false'>