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Quickstart with MITM proxy

Quickstart instructions for evaluating API Observability on Laptops/Desktops running Mac OSX or Windows.

Levo Sensor Package for OSX/Windows

Since Mac OSX and Windows do not support eBPF, Levo provides a Sensor package (Docker based install), to enable quick evaluation on these platforms. This Sensor package gets visibility into your API traffic, by reverse proxying traffic between your API Client and API Server.

Your estimated completion time is 10 minutes.

1. Prerequisites

  • Docker Engine version `18.03.0` and above
  • Admin (or `sudo`) privileges on the Docker host
  • Forever Free Account on
  • Command line terminal with Bash or Bash compatible shell

2. Setup Test API Service

API Observability auto discovers APIs and generates OpenAPI specifications for all API endpoints, by observing API traffic between your API Client and API Server.

If you do not have a test API Service/Application, you can use the sample application provided by Levo.

  • a. Note down the base URL for your test API Server/Service.

    For example, if you are running the sample application (crAPI) on your laptop, the base URL would be http://localhost:8888. If your local test API Server uses HTTPs the base URL for example, would be https://localhost/.

    Since the Sensor package runs in a container, addresses like localhost,, etc., that refer to the Docker host, must be translated to ones, that can be resolved correctly to point to the Docker host inside the container. Please specify host.docker.internal instead of localhost or in the base URL.

    In essence, if your base URL is http://localhost:<port> or<port>, you will need to specify http://host.docker.internal:<port> instead below.

  • b. Export your API Server/Service URL in your terminal.

    export SERVICE_ADDRESS=<http://host:port/base-path>

3. Copy Authorization Key from

The Sensor package uses an authorization key to access Follow instructions below to copy & export the key.

  • Login to
  • Click on your user profile.
  • Click on User Settings
  • Click on Keys on the left navigation panel
  • Click on Get Satellite Authorization Key
  • Now copy your authorization key.
  • Export the copied Authorization Key in your terminal.
export LEVOAI_AUTH_KEY=<'Authorization Key' copied above>

4. Pick an Application Name

Auto discovered API endpoints and their OpenAPI specifications are show in the API Catalog, grouped under an application name. The application name helps segregate and group API endpoints from different API servers, similar to how file folders work in an operating system.

  • a. Pick a descriptive name which will be used in the subsequent step below. For example: my-test-api-server.
  • b. Export the Application Name in your terminal.
export LEVOAI_SERVICE_NAME=<'Application Name' chosen above>

5. Download - Docker Compose file

Execute the following in your terminal:


If prefer to download the Docker Compose file via your browser, you can download it


6. Install Sensor Package via Docker Compose

Execute the following in your terminal (where you previously downloaded the Docker Compose file):

docker compose -f proxy-docker-compose.yml pull && docker compose -f proxy-docker-compose.yml up -d

7. Verify Connectivity with

The Sensor package contains both the (proxy based) Sensor and Satellite. Follow steps below to check the Satellite health and connectivity to

a. Check Satellite Health

The Satellite is comprised of four sub components 1) levoai-collector, 2) levoai-rabbitmq, 3)levoai-satellite, and 4) levoai-tagger.

Wait couple of minutes after the install, and check the health of the components by executing the following:

docker ps -f name=levoai

If the Satellite is healthy, you should see output similar to below.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                                                                                                         NAMES
5a54d8efe672 levoai/proxy:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 50 seconds ago Up 37 seconds>8081/tcp,>8080/tcp levoai-proxy
8767c62db6cb levoai/satellite:latest "python -OO /opt/lev…" 50 seconds ago Up 37 seconds levoai-tagger
dcb187e00ff2 levoai/satellite:latest "gunicorn --capture-…" 50 seconds ago Up 37 seconds>9999/tcp levoai-satellite
169ceecf0263 rabbitmq:3.10.5-management "docker-entrypoint.s…" 50 seconds ago Up 49 seconds (healthy) 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp,>5672/tcp, 15671/tcp, 15691-15692/tcp, 25672/tcp,>15672/tcp levoai-rabbitmq

b. Check Connectivity

Execute the following to check for connectivity health:

docker logs levoai-tagger 2>&1 | grep "Ready to process; waiting for messages." 

If connectivity is healthy, you will see output similar to below:

{"level": "info", "time": "2022-06-07 08:07:22,439",
"line": "", "version": "fc628b50354bf94e544eef46751d44945a2c55bc",
"module": "/opt/levoai/e7s/src/python/levoai_e7s/satellite/",
"message": "Ready to process; waiting for messages."}

Please contact if you notice health/connectivity related errors.

8. Generate Application Traffic

The Sensor picks up API traffic that is HTTP\1.x based. There has to be some consistent load on your API endpoints for them to be auto discovered and documented.

a. Point Your API Client to the Sensor

The Sensor acts as a reverse proxy for your API Server. You will need to point your API Client to the Sensor. The Sensor will proxy the traffic to your test API Server/Service.

The Sensor listens on Please point your API Client (Web Browser, Postman, curl, etc.) to this address (instead of the API Server's address).

If your API Server uses HTTP/s (TLS), the Sensor will use HTTP/s when proxying traffic to it. However your API Client will need to use HTTP when talking to the Sensor.

If you are using /etc/hosts (or equivalent in Windows) to resolve the IP address of your API Server, please edit the appropriate /etc/hosts entry to point to (IP address of the Sensor).

b. Generate Traffic

Please ensure you exercise your API endpoints several times using using your API Client. Use a load generator to generate consistent traffic, if necessary.

c. Verify API Traffic Capture

Check the logs of Satellite's Tagger sub-component.

docker logs levoai-tagger 2>&1 | grep "Consuming the span" 

If API Traffic is correctly being processed, you will see a lot of log entries containing the term Consuming the span.

9. View Auto-discovered OpenAPI Specifications

The API Catalog in should be auto populated in a matter of minutes (after your API endpoints are being exercised consistently).

The API Catalog will contain your auto discovered API endpoints and their OpenAPI schemas, all grouped under the Application Name you chose earlier.

Congratulations! You have successfully auto discovered and auto documented API endpoints in your application.

Common Tasks

Shutdown Sensor

Execute the following in the directory where you downloaded the Docker Compose file:

docker compose -f proxy-docker-compose.yml down

Change Sensor Listen Port

The Sensor by default listens on TCP port 9080 (interface address If this conflicts with a port being used by another application, you can change it by following the instructions below.

  • Shutdown the Sensor (if running)
  • Export your desired port in your terminal
    export LEVOAI_PROXY_PORT=<Your desired port number>
  • Start the Sensor