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General FAQs

Why do you need Levo?

Automated security testing of microservices, which uncovers sophisticated business logic and access control-based attacks, is a significant gap today. Continuous Security Assurance from provides fully automated and effortless (runtime) security testing for Microservices in CI/CD.

How is Levo different from other Application Security Testing tools?

Modern attacks target business logic flaws that arise from sub-optimal authentication and authorization across API endpoints.

AST tools like SCA & SAST statically analyze source code for security defects, but are unaware of authentication & authorization flaws.

DAST tools focus on the runtime but lack adoption due to the significant manual heavy lifting required. Moreover, they are “business logic blind” as they are unable to uncover sophisticated business logic and access control violation attacks.

IAST tools require comprehensive unit test coverage written by developers, and are also “business logic blind”.

Levo is the only purpose-built security solution for APIs & microservices that provides comprehensive detection of both business logic, and OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.

What CI/CD environments are supported?

Levo supports all popular CI/CD environments. Please refer to Integrations for more information.