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CrAPI Sample App - Part 1

1. Install crAPI

  1. Install the crAPI demo application by following instructions here.

  2. Download and save crAPIs OpenAPI specification (OAS).

  3. Verify crAPI is running by logging in, using one of the user credentials provided here.

2. Import crAPI APIs into Levo SaaS

  1. Login into the Levo SaaS portal.

  2. Click on API Catalog in the side panel and proceed to import crAPIs OAS (saved in step above).

  3. In the import dialog name this API catalog as My crAPI, and complete the import.

3. Upload a metadata.yml file to enable authorization bypass (RBAC) tests

crAPI's APIs have role based access controls (RBAC). If want to validate the proper configuration and functioning of the said controls, you will need to construct a metadata.yml file and upload it to the catalog created in the previous step.

You can read more about authorization bypass tests and the metadata.yml file here.

For your convenience, the appropriate metadata.yml for crAPI is shown below. Please upload this to catalog via the Metadata tab in the catalog UI.

# metadata.yml file for crAPI that describes RBAC for API endpoints
# This section captures the set of roles that are available to be associated with the API endpoints
- role: ROLE_USER
description: This role provides specific entitlements for regular users
description: This role provides specific entitlements for mechanics
- role: ROLE_ADMIN
description: This role provides specific entitlements for administrators
# This section defines actual associations between API endpoints and roles at the global level
# This can be overridden at the individual API endpoint level
# The default role (and an associated user) that should be used to access all endpoints
# This can be overridden at the individual API endpoint level
default_role: ROLE_USER
# This section defines API endpoint specific overrides
- endpoint: GET /identity/api/v1/admin/users/find
default_role: ROLE_ADMIN
- endpoint: GET /identity/api/v2/vehicle/{vehicleId}/location
default_role: ROLE_USER
- endpoint: GET /workshop/api/mechanic/mechanic_report
default_role: ROLE_USER
- endpoint: GET /workshop/api/merchant/contact_mechanic
default_role: ROLE_USER
- endpoint: GET /workshop/api/shop/orders/{order_id}

4. Generate a security test plan for crAPI's APIs

  1. Click on Test Plans in the side panel and proceed to create a test plan by clicking New Test Plan.

  2. Pick Data Driven as the type of test plan to generate.

  3. In the New Test Plan dialog name the plan as My crAPI Test Plan. Pick My crAPI as the API asset for this test plan.

  4. Check the check box named Auto-populate API parameters for this test plan.

    This uses examples in the OpenAPI specification file to auto populate test fixtures/API parameters that are required in the generated test plan. The example values are used in making API requests during test execution.

  5. Proceed to generate the test plan.

  6. You will now have a test plan called My crAPI Test Plan in the Config Complete state.

  7. Copy the LRN (Levo Resource Name) of My crAPI Test Plan to the clipboard.

  8. Open the test plan My crAPI Test Plan, navigate to the environment.yml section, and download this file to your desktop. You can read more about the purpose of the file here.