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Test Runner

Levo provides you with the ability to run security tests on your Application endpoints.

With Levo you can run security tests

  • on Cloud
  • on Premises

To run security tests we need three things

  • A target service URL which should be reachable
  • Valid configuration for authenticated endpoints
  • Valid API endpoint parameters

If the target service is publicly reachable, tests can be run directly from Levo Cloud

But if you want to test some internal services which are not publicly reachable, you can use the testrunner.

The testrunner can be installed in your premise.

Once you start security tests from the UI, the testrunner will pull those tests and execute them in your premise. This way if you want to test internal APIs, you can install our testrunner service.


You can install the testrunner


  • You will need an authorization token and the organization-id for which you want to run security tests
  • Either helm or docker installed based on the installation process.

Install testrunner via helm on Kubernetes

To get the authorization token and organization-id, follow instructions here

  • Add Levo Helm repo
helm repo add levoai
  • Run following command to install testrunner helm chart
helm install \
--set key="auth-key" \
--set orgId="organization id" \
--set levoBaseUrl="" \
testrunner levoai/testrunner

Depending on the region your apps are in, you may need to set a different Levo base URL.

For example, if the testrunner will be used with, use the following alias:

helm install \
--set key="auth-key" \
--set orgId="organization id" \
--set levoBaseUrl="" \
testrunner levoai/testrunner

Install testrunner via Docker

To get the authorization token and organization-id, follow instructions here

If you have docker running on your machine, you can start the testrunner with a simple docker run command

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/configstore
alias levo='docker run --rm \
--add-host=host.docker.internal:`ip route|awk '\''/docker0/ { print $9 }'\''` \
--mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.config/configstore,target=/home/levo/.config/configstore \
-v $HOME/.aws:/home/levo/.aws \
-v $PWD:/home/levo/work:rw \
-e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) \
-e LOCAL_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \
-e TERM=xterm-256color \
-ti levoai/levo:stable'

levo start --key "auth-key" --organization "orgId"

Depending on the region your apps are in, you may need to set a different Levo base URL.

For example, if the testrunner will be used with, use the following alias:

alias levo='docker run --rm \
--add-host=host.docker.internal:`ip route|awk '\''/docker0/ { print $9 }'\''` \
--mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.config/configstore,target=/home/levo/.config/configstore \
-v $HOME/.aws:/home/levo/.aws \
-v $PWD:/home/levo/work:rw \
-e LOCAL_USER_ID=$(id -u) \
-e LOCAL_GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \
-e TERM=xterm-256color \
-ti levoai/levo:stable'

Get Authorization token and Orgnaization ID

Login to

To get the authorization token

  • Click on User Settings
  • Click on Keys on the left navigation panel
  • Click on Get CLI Authorization Key

To get the Organization ID

  • Click on User Settings
  • Click on Organizations on the left navigation panel
  • Click on Copy for whichever organization you want to run tests for

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