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PCAP Sensor via YUM Package

Install on RPM based Linux Distributions via yum


  • libpcap should be installed from the yum repository
  • Admin (or sudo) privileges on the host

1. Configure the package manager

Configure yum to access Levo's RPM packages using the following command:

sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/levo.repo << EOF

2. Install the pcap Sensor

Install the pcap Sensor from Levo's RPM repository.

  1. Update the list of available packages:

    sudo yum makecache
  2. Install the package in your repository.

    sudo yum install levo-pcap-sensor-0.2.0

Enter y when prompted.

3. Start the Sensor

Sensor runs as a Systemd Service

Configure Satellite Address, Organization-Id and Environment

The Satellite address is configured in /etc/levo/config/pcap-sensor/config.yaml. The default Satellite URL is

Edit /etc/levo/config/pcap-sensor/config.yaml and

  • set the satellite-url variable to the desired host:port value
  • set the levoai-org-id to the Organization ID fetched from the Levo Dashboard.
  • set levo-env to the desired environment name in which you wish to see you applications on the Levo Dashboard.
# PCAP Sensor Configuration Settings (YAML Format)
# Copyright: Levo Inc., @COPYRIGHT_YEAR@

levo-env: staging
levoai-org-id: ""
rate-limit: 1000
trace-export-interval: 10
filter: ""
path-allow: []
host-allow: []
path-exclusions: []
host-exclusions: []
max-http-length: 10000000
stream-timeout-seconds: 10

Sensor restart is required for the config changes to take effect.

Additional options can be configured as follows:

  • trace-export-interval: Set the trace export interval in seconds (default is 10)
  • rate-limit: Specify the number of traces per minute
  • filter: Add a PCAP filter string, e.g., "port 8080 and (not port 8081)"
  • host-allow: Set a host allow regex
  • path-allow: Set a path allow regex
  • host-exclusions: Set a host exclude regex
  • path-exclusions: Set a path exclude regex

Start/Stop the Sensor

To start the sensor

sudo systemctl start levo-pcap-sensor.service

To stop the sensor

sudo systemctl stop levo-pcap-sensor.service

To restart the sensor

sudo systemctl restart levo-pcap-sensor.service

4. Configuring sensor as per memory and CPU resource limits

  • For normal/average case use the default config
  • For strict resources, modify the config with below options
rate-limit: 100
trace-export-interval: 1
max-http-length: 1000000
stream-timeout-seconds: 2