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Sensor as a Systemd Service

Running the Sensor as a Systemd Service

1. Configure Satellite Address

The Satellite (collector) address is configured in /etc/levo/sensor/config.yaml.


The default address for the collector in Systemd installations is This address assumes that Levo is hosting the Satellite for you, and you must also specify an organization ID (organization-id) via the config file. If you wish, you may also host the Satellite yourself and specify the address of the collector in the self-hosted Satellite to direct the Sensor's traffic to it.

Edit /etc/levo/sensor/config.yaml, set satellite-url (under Satellite Settings) to the desired host:port value, and set organization-id to the Organization ID fetched from the Levo Dashboard

organization-id: <Org ID>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Satellite Settings:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Levo Organization ID. This must be specified when the collector is hosted by Levo.
# organization-id: ""

# host:port for the collector service receiving the Sensor's API traces.
satellite-url: <Use the default ( or set to a custom address>

Note: If you change the Satellite address later, you have to restart the Sensor, since it's not a hot property.

2. Configure Application Name

The Application Name is configured in /etc/levo/sensor/config.yaml.

Edit /etc/levo/sensor/config.yaml, and set default-service-name to the Application Name chosen earlier.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default Application Name:
# Auto discovered API endpoints and their OpenAPI specifications are show in the API Catalog
# grouped under this application name. The application name helps segregate and group API
# endpoints from different environments.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
default-service-name: <'Application Name' chosen earlier>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Configure sensor environment

The eBPF sensor environment is configured in /etc/default/levo-ebpf-sensor. The default env value is staging

Edit /etc/default/levo-ebpf-sensor, and set LEVO_ENV to the desired env value (eg. prod, qa)

# Environment Variables for levo-ebpf-sensor.service

Note: If you change the Application Name later, you have to restart the Sensor, since it's not a hot property.

3. Start the Sensor

sudo systemctl start levo-ebpf-sensor

4. Verify connectivity with Satellite

sudo journalctl -u levo-ebpf-sensor.service -b -f

# If 'journalctl' isn't tailing logs, use syslog:
sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep 'levo-ebpf-sensor'

Connection Success

If connectivity is healthy, you should see output similar to below.

2022/06/13 21:15:40 729071  INFO [ebpf_sensor.cpp->main:120]    Initial connection with Collector was successful.

Connection Failures

If the Sensor is unable to connect with the Satellite, you will notice log entries similar to the one below. Please contact for assistance.

Initial connection with Collector failed. However, the sensor will keep attempting to send future traces.

[OTLP TRACE GRPC Exporter] Export() failed: failed to connect to all addresses

Please proceed to the next step, if there are no errors.

5. Sensor's resource limits

By default, sensor is restricted to use up to 50% of CPU and 2GB memory.

If you ever need to change these limits, you need to modify CPUQuota and MemoryMax in the below systemd config file under [Service] section:

1. Open the config file /usr/lib/systemd/system/levo-ebpf-sensor.service and modify CPUQuota and MemoryMax

sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/levo-ebpf-sensor.service

For example,

If you want to limit sensor's CPU usage to 0.75 of a core, then set CPUQuota=75%. You can set CPUQuota=200% to go upto two full cores of CPU.

If you want to limit sensor's memory usage to 1GB, then set MemoryMax=1G

2. Reload the config

systemctl daemon-reload

3. Restart the sensor

sudo systemctl restart levo-ebpf-sensor